Category : Movies

Language : Hindi

Genre : Romance

Released : 1965

Star Cast & Info : Shammi Kapoor, Rajshree, Madhumati, Rani.

Synopsis :

Mr. Srivastava lives a very wealthy lifestyle with his wife and two sons, Mahendra and Sunder. He plans to get his sons married to women from equally wealthy backgrounds. Mahendra falls in love with Seema, who is poor and lives with her stepmother. This creates considerable acrimony in the family, and Seema is not accepted as a daughter-in-law. Unable to find a solution, Mahendra takes to alcohol and falls in the bewitching clutches of a beautiful courtesan named Bahaar.While vacationing in Srinagar, Sunder meets Sapna, who also comes from a poor family, falls in love with her and wants to marry her. She, too, falls in love with him. After the vacation, the two part company. The next time Sapna sees Sunder, he in the company of a pregnant woman and overhears that he is soon to be a father. Did Sunder decide to obey his father's instructions after all? If so, what is to become of Sapna? It's a musical movie.

Country of Origin : India