Category : Movies

Language : Hindi

Genre : Drama

Released : 1973

Star Cast & Info : Sanjeev Kumar, Sharada, Bindu Etc

Synopsis :

Nirmala is a teacher with a kid. She has a shady past. She is tormented by society. Suresh is a widower with two kids who take to the lady teacher like a duck to water. The two lovers meet and they understand each other but have to go through hell and fire before they are united. A very old story often seen on the screen, but by the way in which veteran Mahesh Kaul treats the whole thing, it is wonderfully great. The great thing lies in the fact that he had done everything to bring sympathy to the hero and the heroine through their bitter struggle. There are banalities mostly centering round minor characters but these do not in any way mar the main plot which conveys the full import with interest to discerning picture-goers. Sanjeev Kumar does a splendid work as the upright man with all the courage he could summon. Sharda plays her role with dignity and grace. Her expressions with eyes and actions showing histrionics in the style of the late Meena Kumari, are commendable. Durga Khote does her bit well in some scenes.

Country of Origin : India