Learn to Play Ghatam

Category : Do It Yourself Videos

Language : English

Released : 2009

Synopsis :

A concert can be held without a second line percussion instrument, there is certainly a difference when a Ghatam, Kanjira or Morching joins with the Mridangam in a concert. Normally a dhothi is good enough. When we put on a shirt we feel a completeness. When a " Angavastra " is put on it adds to our get up. Added to this if we wear perfumes also we feel satisfied. In the same way the second line percussion instruments add a beauty and completeness to the concert. During " Swaras " when Mridangam is played for main artiste, the second line percussion instruments are played for violin. During " Thani Avarthanams " or Laya Vinyas, the new sound of the second instrument combines with the sound of mridangam and gives a beauty to the " Thani ". 

Country of Origin : India